Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Don't Insult Religions

Please don't insult religions , if Buddhist, Christians, Muslims or Jews or whoever... Take it seriously.....Why people tend to do these types of things to insult religions?

What does Victoria Secret mean by adding a Buddha image in bikini?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Vesak

Happy Vesak Day...
Vesak is celebrated as a religious and a cultural festival in Sri Lanka on the full moon of the month of May, for a duration of one week. Toranas are erected in various locations in Colombo and elsewhere in the country. In addition, colourful lanterns called Vesak koodu are hung along streets and in front of homes. They signify the light of the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Cause and Effect Sutra

The Cause and Effect Sutra

Why are you a respected person in this life? Because you have built Buddha's images in your previous life.
Why in this life you have cars and various transportation facilities? Because you have repaired broken bridges and paved roads for the benefit of others in your previous life.

For a Good Life...

Whatever you do will come back to you....
You building Buddha's image is molding yourself....
Dress-up neatly and pay respect to the Buddha...
To protect the Tathagata Monastery is to protect yourself.....
What you rep what you sow(If you sow good, you reap good. If you sow evil, you reap evil)...
If you suffer in hell, blame yourself for what you did in your previous life...
The cause and effect ,ust not be treated as a small matter.....
The Buddha's words are truth, you must not slight....